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Greek Street Food in Athens

Today was an amazing day of traveling in Athens, Greece. We ate some incredibly delicious Greek food and saw some of the most famous attractions, including the Acropolis (Parthenon) in Athens.
Here’s what you’ll find in this video:
Diporto Restaurant - This is an amazing hidden gem of a restaurant serving traditional Greek food in a downstairs basement tavern. They only have a few dishes per day, and you order whatever they have - everything is delicious.
Total price - 25 EUR for everything
Price - 1.90 EUR per piece
Souvlaki Lefteris o Politis - This is another famous souvlaki, Greek street food, hole in the wall that I was excited to try because they are known for their spicy souvlaki. It was awesomely delicious and something you shouldn't miss if you love Greek food.

Plaka Neighborhood - In the afternoon, I walked around the Plaka Neighborhood for a while and also saw the National Garden.
Panathenaic Stadium - In order to fulfill my inner Olympian, I entered into the Panathenaic Stadium, walked around this amazing marble stadium, and took a victory lap. It was awesome, it’s a must see when you’re in Athens.
Entrance price - 5 EUR

Dio Dekares i Oka Restaurant - We had an early Greek food dinner at Dio Dekares i Oka Restaurant that serves home-style Greek food. The lamb with dill and celery was the highlight dish for me. Total price - 33 EUR for everything Acropolis of Athens - There’s no doubt that the Acropolis of Athens, which includes the Parthenon is the most famous attraction to see in Athens. It was at the center of Athens and the center of Western civilization at its peak. It’s an amazing sight to see, even though it’s high damaged. But it’s truly breathtaking to admire the columns. Combined attractions ticket - 30 EUR

Please enjoy the review video below to explore more about Greek Street Food!

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