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Cambodian Street Food

On this Cambodian street food tour of Phnom Penh, I’ll be taking you along to Phnom Penh’s Central Market (Psar Thmei), and a landmark in the center of the city. The market itself is not too impressive in my opinion unless you’re looking for jewelry or overpriced clothes, but the street food court and market on the outside is where you want to be.
There’s an abundance of Cambodian Khmer food and Vietnamese food available at the food court of Central Market, and there’s so much to choose from that it can be challenging to decide where to eat. The colorful selection of herbs and vegetables lead me to the bun rieu noodle stall, a Vietnamese crab noodle dish. We first enjoyed a delicious bowl of bun rieu with all the herbs and chilies we wanted. Bun rieu - 7,000 KHR ($1.70).

On the edge of the market you’ll find some huge grilled squid, and it’s incredibly tempting. I thought it was a little expensive (possibly overcharged), but nevertheless, it was amazingly delicious. Giant grilled squid - $8 USD.

Next up you’ll see lots of fruit shake vendors at Central Market in Phnom Penh, I had a durian avocado, and it was amazingly delicious. Durian avocado shake - 6,000 KHR ($1.46).
Cambodian oysters as they are known, but really some type of cockle are a common Cambodian street food in Phnom Penh. They are sun dried and they are actually quite tasty. Clams - 4,000 KHR ($0.97).

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